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How do I place an order?
The best way to place an order is through our website, you can get started by browse all of our products here, add you items to basket then navigate your way through the
If you need help with your order or to place large orders please do contact us, the best way to do this is to e-mail our Hellesdon Bakery.
Can I change the details of an order after it has been placed?
We can't guarantee that we can change your order details. But if you notice you have entered the wrong details on your order or want to change a choice you have made please do get in touch ASAP and we will do our very best to help. Our cut off for next day deliveries is 2pm so make sure to make your request before this time. The best way to contact us is by emailing our Hellesdon Bakery with all the details of what you want to change and include your order number, this will usually start with MAC.
My order has arrived but how do I know which flavour is which?
You should have a flavour guide included in your order, but if not you can find our flavour guide here.