Loyalty Scheme

Our regular customers keep coming back because they know the dedication we put in to making sure that every bake is the best that we can make it. So we have a scheme in place to reward these loyal customers with Loyalty Points to spend on our treats. 

How does it work?

For each £1 spent you earn 5 points and 100 points = £1. The value of the points can then be deducted from the price of a later purchase. Points are awarded pro rata so if you spent £4.29 on a bag of our tangy orange marshmallows, your Loyalty Account would be credited with £0.21.

How to sign up

1. Sign up for an account by click on the person icon or the floating Rewards button.

(For existing customers please use the same e-mail address you registered with)

2. For each £1 spent you earn 5 points and 100 points = £1. 

The points are redeemed by clicking the pink rewards button. This will allow you to create a voucher you can use at the checkout.

Existing Customers

We have transferred all loyalty account balances from our old website to this new one. 

For existing customers just sign in using the email address you registered an account with on our old site and the points will be there. You can either sign in at the top right of our page (person icon) or via the pink rewards button floating on the bottom right.

Our previous scheme allowed you to earn points in either our shop or website and redeem them in either, for now, this is no longer possible and the systems are separate. If you would prefer to have your transferred balance applied to the shop system, please contact us on support@macaronsandmore.com and we will arrange that.